GRADIF-K Best Practices in Natural Resource Management and Climate Change Adaptation projects:
- Ensuring full and meaningful participation of all stakeholders in all stages of project development &management cycle.
- Working with village groups, CBOs, Community conservation groups, Agriculture groups, networks and other likeminded community structures for wide reach, effectiveness and sustainability of the initiatives undertaken.
- Advocacy and Policy influencing in collaboration with Climate Change and other NRM networks.
- Integration of all Natural Resource Management (NRM) components for maximum results.
- Utilization of the locally available resources, including human resource, existing CBOs offices and community owned land for setting up demonstrations sites among others.
- Capacity building for local community groups and institutions both on the project areas and organization capacity development.
- Capacity building for community Training of Trainers (TOTS) to ensure wide reach and the sustainability of the project.
- Networking, collaboration and partnerships building with both the County and National Governments’ relevant ministries, community groups and civil societies, religious bodies, herbalists, local community institutions, council of elders, water Users Associations, farmers tea buying centers’ etc.
- Carrying out community learning through Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) and Participatory Learning and Action(PLA) so that the community can view and appreciate the damage done to the diversity ecosystems and get provoked to take action to save the current and future generation.
- Use of demonstration sites for practical trainings and learning.
- Exchange visits for selected groups’ representatives to other projects doing well in NRM initiatives in Kenya for experience sharing and lessons learning.
- Documentation and dissemination of, success stories, case studies and emerging models of best practices
- Linking up community groups with other organizations that can provide advanced services not provided by GRADIF-Kenya Foundation.
- Use of ICT in Programme implementation, reporting and management