GRADIF-K Priority Regions of Work in Kenya:
GRADIF-K is a National Public Community Development Foundation and therefore has a mandate to serve communities anywhere in Kenya but due to limited resources; GRADIF-K has considered the following as its priority geographical regions for focus over the next 10 years: Central, Eastern, Nairobi, and Rift Valley regions in Kenya.
Location of Our Offices:
The organization has a resource mobilization cum Programs’ Coordination office located at the Deep Blue Plaza, Kahawa Wendani opposite Kahawa Barracks and a few metres to Kenyatta University on Thika Super-Highway. Most activities of GRADIF-K are concentrated in Central, Rift Valley and Eastern Regions or former Provinces in Kenya. We have Programs field offices located at Chuka town serving Tharaka Nithi and Meru Counties, KanyuaMbora ACK Church serving Embu County. In Nyeri County, we are hosted by the Catholic Brothers of St. Joseph in Mweiga Market. In Laikipia and Isiolo Counties we are hosted by the Child Fund Kenya, Nanyuki office. GRADIF-K has established strong and cordial working relationships with Community Based Organizations (CBOs), Faith Based organizations, Self Help groups, Learning institutions; Faith based organizations, farmers associations & Cooperatives in every supported County to cut down the expenses on running many offices.
Our Implementing Partners:
We work closely with the Local Communities, County Governments, the relevant Government of Kenya (GOK) Ministries, Community Based Development groups including, Community Based Organizations (CBOs), Faith Based Organizations (FBOs), Youth Groups other Development Partners including Development Agencies and Nongovernmental Organizations, Farmers’ Associations and Environmental Conservation groups, Institutions of Learning & Research institutions and Community Resource Persons (CORPs) in the implementation of all programs.